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Southern blot

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Wikipedia: Southern blot
"Southern blot", "hibridación Southern" o, simplemente, "Southern", es un método de biología molecular que permite detectar la presencia de una secuencia de ADN en una mezcla compleja de este ácido nucleico. Para ello, emplea la técnica de electroforesis en gel de agarosa con el fin de separar en base a la longitud de los fragmentos de ADN y, después, una transferencia a una membrana en la cual se efectúa la hibridación de la sonda....
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Southern blot

UN warns situation in southern Pakistan could worsen as flood relief continues

[01:05] United Nations, New York, 23 August 2010 - The massive floods in Pakistan have spread to the southern province of Sindh, where hundreds of thousands of people are on the move after evacuating their inundated villages, a United Nations official said · 23.08.2010 20:19

Southern blot

UFO Labor Day 2010 Southern California

[03:38] I went out to start the BBQ, I always look up, and this white/silver orb caught my eye... this is the slightly edited video. It moved south east, went behind a cloud, I grabbed my camera, it moved south east and then back north east in this video. · 07.09.2010 17:45