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Robertson geologging

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Wikipedia: Pat Robertson
"Marion Gordon Robertson", más conocido como "Pat Robertson", nació el 22 de marzo de 1930 en Lexington, Virginia, Estados Unidos.
Es un famoso telepredicador con ideologia cristiana fundamentalista estadounidense, es fundador de numerosas organizaciones y corporaciones, entre ellas American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) y la poderosa Christian Coalition....
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Robertson geologging

"Germans in the Woods" from StoryCorps

[02:31] Joseph Robertson was an infantryman in the U.S. Army during World War II, where he fought in the Battle of the Bulge. The stark black and white images in this short haunt the viewer, just as Robertson is haunted by his memories from that battle. Dire · 31.08.2010 17:24

Robertson geologging

Pony for sale in Florida

[00:04] Pony for sale in Florida. [email protected] or 321-432-2316 Robertson Ranch LLC · 10.10.2010 15:45