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Phelps dodge

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Wikipedia: Dodge
"Dodge" es una marca de automóviles estadounidense, llamada originalmente "Dodge Brothers Motor Vehicle Company" (1914 -1927). Chrysler adquirió la compañía Dodge en 1928 de la que sigue formando parte del Chrysler Group LLC.
En 1901, John Francis Dodge y Horace Elgin Dodge trasladaron su fábrica "Brothers Bicycle & Machine Factory" a Detroit (Míchigan....
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Michael Phelps regresa a su tanque en Mundo Marino - Pasiones

Michael Phelps regresó a sus siete millones de galones de agua en el complejo Sea World donde actúa todos los días para miles de personas.En este complejo ya se habían formado otros medallistas olímpi...

pasion.fullblog.com.ar/post/michael-phelps-regresa-a-su-tanq ...
Phelps dodge

Training Tips from the YOG Ambassadors

[03:45] How do Michael Phelps, Yelena Isinbayeva and Usain Bolt prepare for competition? Do they have any special tips? What do they do to be in 'the zone', relax and stay focused? What are the most important things they do on the big day and how do they g · 11.08.2010 18:02

Phelps dodge

Michael Phelps... One Day

[01:58] How do you become a high-level athlete and when do you realise that it might lead you to the Olympic Games? Listen to Michael Phelps and his coach tell you all about it. · 16.08.2010 16:58