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Humanity tab

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Wikipedia: Humanity Plus
"Humanity Plus" conocida anteriormente como "Asociación Transhumanista Mundial" es una organización sin fines de lucro que trabaja para promover la discusión de las posibilidades de mejora radical de las capacidades humanas por medio de las tecnologías basadas en la nanotecnología, en la ingeniería genética y en la cibernética.
Fundada originalmente por Nick Bostrom y David Pearce, antes de su cambio de nombre en 2008 contaba con entre 4. 000 y 5....
Wikipedia · Más información · Ocultar

1987 was a momentous year that marked the beginning of humanity’s ascension, rebirth and shift into the Fourth Dimension. 1987’s Harmonic Convergence also marked the beginning of our sun’s direct alig - Dimensional 2012

Something big is happening. You’re probably feeling it . . . perhaps with anticipation and also a little bit of anxiety. And maybe you’re asking, “Okay, what is IT?” I believe that we are in...

gabyven.fullblog.com.ar/post/1987-was-a-momentous-year-that- ...
Humanity tab


[04:44] From Second Release WORLD DESOLATION II-The End Humanity · 29.10.2010 09:25

Humanity tab

Part 28, Genesis Explained, From Ch 19 Verse 12 To Ch 19 Verse 30.flv

[08:52] In Genesis, God creates the Universe and restores the Earth to the former glory it had. But nearly as soon as things start going smoothly Satan begins his schemes to corrupt humanity. · 29.10.2010 09:25