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Wikipedia: Handle
En programación de computadoras, se conoce como "handle" a un tipo particular de punteros "inteligentes". Los handles son utilizados cuando un programa hace referencia a bloques de memoria u objetos controlados por otros sistemas, tales como una base de datos o un sistema operativo.
Mientras que un puntero literalmente contiene la dirección en la memoria de algún "objeto"....
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Entradas publicadas sobre handle. Información sobre handle. Este espacio será para que ud exprese como turista todo lo que le gustaría encontrar la próxima vez que visite a MENDOZA, o algún otro lugar de Argent. Un espacio web para el turista naciona ...


many are getting more Customers and Sales than they can handle - MENDOZA X DIAS en ARGENTINA - FULLBlog

What if I told you that I'm making thousands of dollars each week and I'm= not paying a dime for advertising Google, Yahoo, MSN and others are sending me hundreds of new customers ev=ery week - at $0 ...

mendozaxdia.fullblog.com.ar/post/many_are_getting_more_custo ...

many are getting more Customers and Sales than they can handle - MENDOZA X DIAS en ARGENTINA

What if I told you that I'm making thousandsof dollars each week and I'm not paying a dime for advertising Google, Yahoo, MSN and others are sending me hundreds of new customersevery week - at $0 cost...

mendozaxdia.fullblog.com.ar/post/many_are_getting_more_custo ...

Lady GaGa Stops Show in Washington D.C. to Stop a Fight

[01:46] During the performance of Monster, Lady GaGa stopped the show to break up a fight between two people on the floor. It really shows just how much she actually cares and I really admire her for this. Many artists would have just let security handle it. · 08.09.2010 08:57


You will never walk alone

[08:48] Life without obstacles is like sitting in a quiet stadium with no game. Live life to the max and handle whatever comes your way. you will definitely succeed your goal. · 12.09.2010 15:45