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Endocrina multiple

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Los síndromes NEM (o MEN por sus acrónimos en inglés de "neoplasia endocrina múltiple") predisponen al desarrollo de tumores en diferentes tejidos principalmente glándulas endocrinas, éstos se heredan como rasgos autosómicos dominantes por mutaciones genéticas.
NEM tipo 1 (síndrome de Wermer)
NEM tipo 2a (síndrome de Sipple)
NEM tipo 2b
La NEM tipo 1 tiene un prevalencia de entre 2 y 10 por cada 100000 habitantes....
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AULA MULTIPLE. Blog de kmilo.



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Tag: actos - AULA MULTIPLE

Entradas publicadas sobre actos. Información sobre actos. AULA MULTIPLE. Blog de kmilo.

Endocrina multiple

Alliance Guild Mount - Reins of the Golden King

[01:28] *EDIT* - To clear some things up, yes, it sounds like a horse. This is a beta process where things are implemented over the course of multiple builds. - I had a 10% mount speed mod due to a guild perk, so the mount is moving at 110% speed. - This is · 19.09.2010 07:41

Endocrina multiple

Bishop Eddie Long Live - New Birth Pastor Addresses Sexual Allegations (VIDEO)

[01:01] Click our link - to watch full "Bishop Eddie Long Live - New Birth Pastor Addresses Sexual Allegations (VIDEO)" exclusive video for free! Bishop Eddie Long spoke during his morning sermon and made an announcement regarding the multiple cha · 27.09.2010 07:05