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Wikipedia: We Didn't Know
"We Didn't Know" ("No sabíamos") es el sexto sencillo publicado del tercer álbum de Whitney Houston en 1991, I'm Your Baby Tonight.
La canción es un dueto entre Whitney Houston y Stevie Wonder, este último compuso y produjo el tema. El sencillo fue publicado a fines de 1991 y llegó a la posición -20 en el Hip Hop/R&B Singles chart de la revista Billboard. No se hizo video para la canción....
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[03:30] I'm really sorry I didn't get a good vlog out today guys. This is the sickest I have been in the last 2 years. I usually NEVER get sick. I promise to have a better one out tomorrow. I just wanted to give you this little update. If your still pissed o · 17.08.2010 06:31

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Worlds second test of ps3 modchip, for all the Youtube plebs

[02:14] Preorder now! - Sorry, didn't mean to get angry - dont jump off a bring, just stop being a bunch of kiddy trolls. · 19.08.2010 11:04