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Deceased pixel

1 a 10 de 0 resultados · Buscar en blogs deceased pixel

Wikipedia: Píxel
Un "píxel" o "pixel", plural "píxeles" (acrónimo del inglés "picture element", "elemento de imagen") es la menor unidad homogénea en color que forma parte de una imagen digital, ya sea esta una fotografía, un fotograma de vídeo o un gráfico.
Ampliando lo suficiente una imagen digital (zoom) en la pantalla de un ordenador....
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Bill Pixel - Blodico PLUS

Buscando blogs sobre Bill Pixel. Mostrando 1 a 8 de 1 entradas vinculadas con Bill Pixel. Busca en la blogosfera hispana y descubre nuevos blogs sobre tus temas favoritos.

plus.blodico.com/Bill Pixel-r-0.htm
Deceased pixel

WTF is Axel and Pixel?

[24:13] - Axel and Pixel on Steam. In an ill-advised blind, tired haze, TotalBiscuit randomly buys an indie game on Steam and plays it for the first time. I still don't know what the hell happened. · 07.10.2010 07:45

Deceased pixel

Castle Season 3 Episode 5 part 1/5

[10:30] Anatomy of a Murder Summary: An unknown woman falls out of a casket along with the original deceased when pallbearers lose control of the casket at a funeral the investigation takes Beckett and Castle into the world of amorous, bed-hopping physicia · 18.10.2010 09:45