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Combinations calculator

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El "Expensive Desk Calculator" ("Calculadora de Escritorio Costosa"), de Robert A. Wagner, se cree que fue el primer programa de cálculo interactivo de la computación.
El software primero corrió en el computador TX-0, prestado al Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT) por el Laboratorio Lincoln. Fue portado al PDP-1, donado al MIT en 1961 por Digital Equipment Corporation....
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Combinations calculator

Jailbreak a PS3 from a TI-84 Plus/Silver Edition Calculator

[01:33] Video proving that a PS3 can be jailbroken using the PSGroove exploit from a TI-84 Plus/Silver Edition graphing calculator. You can download this application for free at . · 06.09.2010 21:38

Combinations calculator

Cataclysm Beta - ALL Race/Class combinations (honest)

[06:18] - Blue Plz! The longest running and rantiest WoW podcast around. You have exceeded maximum tolerable levels of stupid and this area has become dangerously toxic. Comments have been disabled to ensure the safety of nearby civilians. Here's a complete · 14.09.2010 16:01