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Argyll robertson

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Wikipedia: Argyll
"Argyll", en lengua arcaica "Argyle" (Earra-Ghàidheal en gaélico moderno), es una región de la zona Oeste de Escocia y correspondiente a la antigua Dál Riata. Puede este término ser usado para señalar toda la línea costera entre Mull of Kintyre y el cabo Wrath. El autor de principios del siglo XIII....
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Argyll robertson

"Germans in the Woods" from StoryCorps

[02:31] Joseph Robertson was an infantryman in the U.S. Army during World War II, where he fought in the Battle of the Bulge. The stark black and white images in this short haunt the viewer, just as Robertson is haunted by his memories from that battle. Dire · 31.08.2010 17:24

Argyll robertson

Pony for sale in Florida

[00:04] Pony for sale in Florida. [email protected] or 321-432-2316 Robertson Ranch LLC · 10.10.2010 15:45