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Actuarial science

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Wikipedia: Science
"Science" (en español, ciencia) es una revista científica y órgano de expresión de la AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science: "Asociación Estadounidense para el Avance de la Ciencia").
"Science" fue fundada en Nueva York por John Michaels en 1880 con soporte financiero de Thomas Edison y posteriormente de Alexander Graham Bell. Sin embargo, inicialmente no tiene mucho éxito y finaliza su publicación en marzo de 1882....
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Science, entradas de science - FULLBlog

Entradas sobre science. Weblogs de science. SCIENCE - JELLY MAY HELP HOLD HUMAN TOGETHER...


The Science - Blodico

Punching through the F Ring (NASA Cassini Saturn Mission Images) - NASA/JPL/Space Science InstituteNo soy astrónomo ni físico, pero Phil Plait, que...

www.blodico.com/q-1-0/The Science
Actuarial science

Career Advice On Becoming A Syndicate Actuary by Angela Baxter (Full Version)

[03:57] Highlights at Angela Baxter is a Syndicate Actuary for Chaucer Insurance. She was good at maths and science at school and knew she wanted to work in that area, so she went to university to study actuarial maths and statistics. Her studies took her t · 23.05.2011 03:10

Actuarial science

How to make paper invisible!!

[03:04] Please take our survey: In this episode of Scientific Tuesdays we will show you how to take a paper envelope and see directly through it, leaving no trace behind. We will explore how to take hexanes and put them to good use. Oh, science.... Add me o · 24.08.2010 23:51