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If I Told You That

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Wikipedia: Shane Told
"Shane Matthew Told" (Scarborough, Ontario, 13 de febrero de 1981) es el vocalista de la banda de post hardcore canadiense Silverstein.
Sus padres son Joyce Told y Hando Told, tiene una hermana mayor llamada Rina Told. Vive en Burlington, Ontario. En 1996, comenzó a tocar y escribir música. Una de sus influencias personales ha sido el álbum de "Metallica"....
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Told, entradas de told - FULLBlog

Entradas sobre told. Weblogs de told. I am the Ark,” Haviland Tuf told Namor...


Tag: told - ceyliqadyjiq

Entradas publicadas sobre told. Información sobre told. ceyliqadyjiq. Blog de ceyliqadyjiq.


Carrie Underwood: Y Told You So - Pasiones (2)

La Rubia Carrie Underwood y su voz increíble.Disfruten....

pasiones2.fullblog.com.ar/post/carrie-underwood-y-told-you-s ...
If I Told You That

Beer in bag

[01:24] After drinking many shots and burning myself with fireworks and pissing off the nieghbors they told me to put beer in the bag to give to the other nieghbor enjoy · 01.09.2010 09:45

If I Told You That

MonsterQuest - The Real Moby Dick 2/3

[14:57] There have been stories for centuries about huge, aggressive albino sperm whales. They were immortalized by the classic novel "Moby Dick." These stories told of whales targeting ships and ramming them with their huge heads. Could stories li · 02.09.2010 19:05